Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Why Nation spends money.

We are going to explore why the Nation 
spends money.

How the Nation is constructed is described in the body of the Constitution  The reason why the Nation was created are listed in the Preamble to the Constitution. The Government spends money to accomplish purposes for which it was created.

" We the people of the United States, in order to form
a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote
the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty 
to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish
this Constitution for the United States of America."

The people wanted:
1. A more perfect Union
2. Justice
3. Domestic Tranquility
4. Common Defense
5. General Welfare
6. Liberty

That stuff doesn't come free.
Even though the British ruined our Continental [fiat money] Note by counterfeiting them during the Revolution, we whopped them with the help of a French Blockade at York Town.

Then The British Royal Bank was nice enough to show us how to create a privately owned Corporate National Bank that we could support with Taxpayer Money. The Monetary Profiteers tried twice to create one. Twice they failed. So the big bankers went back to each one just creating their own debt notes. During the Civil War, Lincoln brought the problem to a head by issuing the Green Back Note to finance the war, He knew the Banks would bankrupt the Union charging 25% interest to finance the war.

Finally, after some misadventures, we set up the Federal Reserve Banks in 1913. That gave us our own Sovereign currency. We finally had one currency that all Corporate Banks used.
Treasury still has to pay interest when they use it.  Maybe soon we will discover that we don't really have pay interest to get people to lend us money if we don't want to.
Union, Justice, Defense, General Welfare, and
Liberty are public purpose. Private Corporations making a
profit when the Government borrows money from or through them is, most certainly, a private affair. W
e borrow Money from them in spite of the extra cost. Then we have to tax the people to keep the debt from getting too big and expensive. Paying interest on Public Money is not a good thing for taxpayers.  If we can get out from under the Banks that the British help create for us, we can do stuff for the people a lot cheaper. We will work on solving 
that problem in another Blog Post.

What is Money


1. It is "legal tender" that can be used to buy stuff and to pay debts.

2. Only money can be used to pay Taxes (debt that is owed to Government].  Taxes make money necessary and therefore valuable

3. Most Money spent by the Treasury is obtained by special-appointed Corporate Bank-brokers 
when only they purchase Treasury Bonds at the primary Auction for themselves and their clients. 

4. The rest is created by the  Federal Reserve Banks to purchase Government Bond Debt on the secondary bond market.  

5. Government spending money comes from
 A.  Taxing 

 B.  Borrowing
 C.  Creating

6. Corporate Bankers are the primary Brokers for borrowers. They alone are the buyers of Government Bonds at the Primary Auction because Congress gave only them that privilege.

Funding Government without interest

No interest funding Taxes should only be used by States and local Governing units to raise money to fund spending. They are not Sove...